In my sickly condition, this little story seemed appropriate! Wish I could find these doctors in my town. A "house call" from a doctor would be greatly appreciated right now! I'm sure by now everyone is tired of my constant whining, including my husband, who now has caught this cold. So, as I was painting, I photographed several different stage of this painting.
One of my readers left me a comment and asked how I kept my building so straight. Besides years and years of practice, the easiest way to paint smooth, straight buildings is by basecoating with several thin coats of paint. I always dip just one corner of my brush into water and then load the brush with paint from the outer edge of the puddle of paint and pressing down as I pull out of the puddle. This may take several coats, but gives a smoother basecoat and gives you better control when you don't have too much paint in the brush.
In the picture below, one coat of paint has been applied to the building. This will be the mortar color.