
Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Slow Going

Since Christmas, it's been pretty slow going getting back into the swing of painting every day. I threw my back out while putting the Christmas decorations away and with the warmer weather and rain, sinus problems have set in. Taking sinus medication always knocks me out. So, I thought I would share the beginning process of my next painting. This is a 16 x 20 winter painting. I always start with the background, painting the sky and ground areas first.
I then proceed to draw my buildings from photos of houses that I've taken over the years. The buildings are then basecoated and are now ready for all the detail (my favorite part).
Hopefully, this painting will be finished and listed in a day or two.


  1. Hi Catherine,
    I am new to the "blogging world". Don't know how I came upon yours, but I am hooked and come back often. I do some painting myself and have always had trouble with buildings. How do you get your lines and angles so "sharp"? Just lovely.

  2. Hi, I am so sorry to hear that you are under the weather, feel better soon.
    In my prayers,
    Miss Sandy

  3. Hi Catherine!
    Oh I'm sorry your not feeling well...and I hope your back is feeling better. I'm always amazed at your talent for painting. And yes, I'll be getting with you really soon on my project. Hope you're on the mend really soon.

  4. Hi Cahterine,
    I am so sorry to hear about your back and sinus infection! Hope you feel better soon!

    How fun to learn how you create your lovely paintings! I am looking forward to seeing this one finished!


Thanks for taking the time to share your sweet comments!