Daisy Cottage is home to the Johnson family. Jolene, mother/wife/caretaker, is a soft spoken gentle woman. Her friends are as numerous as the stars in the sky because of her gracious spirit. Her family loves the twinkle in her eyes and her generous hugs. She tends to her flowers with the same loving grace and reads outside in the shade of the big tree.
This little painting is titled Willowick.
Maddie owns the local coffee shop in the Village of Willowick. A very patriot person, Maddie always displays the American flag on her house. She is also president of the chamber of commerce, teaches Sunday school, and volunteers at the local children's home. Unbeknownst to Maddie, her dear friends (partners in crime, next door neighbors, local busy bodies, etc.), Hazel and Camille, are planning a surprize birthday party for her at the coffee shop on her 50th birthday. They've been plotting and planning for weeks and this could be the biggest "shebang" in the whole county!
Penny from Lavender Hill awarded me with the Arte Y Pico Award . Thanks Penny! The rules for this award are:
1. You have to pick 5 blogs that you consider deserve this award for their creativity, design, interesting material, and also contributes to the blogging community, no matter what language.
2. Each award has to have the name of the author and also a link to his/her blog to be visited by everyone.
3. Each award winner has to show the award and put the name and link to the blog that has given her/him the award itself.
4. The award winner and the one who has given the prize have to show the link of “Arte y Pico’ blog, so everyone will know the origin of this award.
5.To show these rules.
I would like to pass this award on to:
Kari and Kijsa two of the most delightfully charming and talented Diet Pepsi loving sisters! What can I say that hasn't already been said about these great gals!
Kim from Daisy Cottage is a decorating genius! I just love all her ideas! She was the inspiration for one of the above paintings.
For some "Glammed Up Country" there is no one quite like Junk 2 Jewels ! I just love her decorated and jeweled bottles!
I just found Karen Eileen today. Check her out for "a little bit of this and that". Great looking blog! She's also close to my neck of the woods.
And one of my all time favorites: Tracey from A Cottage Industry does everything from beautiful cookies, cupcakes, and tons of decorating ideas. This gal has it all!
The wise woman builds her house... Proverbs 14:1 is painted on the border.