Monday, August 4, 2008

A New Addition To My Flower Beds

This statuary came from my mother's home to live with me now. When she sold her home she told me she was going to leave it because it was too heavy to move and she isn't able to do much gardening any more. Needless to say my husband wasn't too happy about moving it and told me to make sure I knew where I wanted it because he didn't want to move it again. So, I had him place it in the front yard. That was a couple of years ago. Guess where it is now? My rose tree died that was in the center of this bed in the back yard and he was sweet to move it once again. He admits he likes it here too. The fountain had a crack in it and didn't hold water very well, so I decided to use it as a planter.
Last year I planted these Simplicity Roses from Jackson Perkins and they were just beautiful this year in early summer. Since we have had so much rain this summer they developed black spot and now look terrible. I've cut off all the bad leaves and sprayed them with a fungicide several times, but the rain just isn't helping matters. They are almost completely naked of leaves and have beautiful flowers at the top. I wouldn't want to photograph that for you. I've raked up all the leaves over and over again. Does anyone know if these will come out of it next year or will they be a total loss. I've got one that I cut way back and it is developing new leaves.
I just love Astilbe and this is my favorite color.
A front view of this fountain my husband worked so hard to move.
Below are my pink knockout roses that need absolutely no care at all. I may have to replace the others next year with more of these.


  1. Your statuary is beautiful!

    I think I'll plant one of the tiers of our fountain, we moved to the side garden. I'll leave one tier for a birdbath.

    I absolutely must have a pink knockout. Yours is so pretty! We have always had problems with blackspot, with our hybrid tea roses. So when we moved here, we planted the knockouts and have had no problems.

  2. The fountain planter is very nice. The creeping jenny will fill in nicely. I bet it looks great when it's little yellow flowers are out in the early summer. My yard is full of creeping jenny. I like the coneflowers in the background. I tried to plant some from seed this year. No luck. I'll buy plants next year.

  3. It is really beautiful Catherine, wow. I love your garden!

  4. Your art is lovely... as well as your garden! Hard to go wrong with knock-outs, been wanting to pick up some more ourselves.

    Karla & Karrie


Thanks for taking the time to share your sweet comments!