The above three prints will be given away on Saturday morning, November 30th. All you need to do is leave a comment on this post telling me how many people are coming to my home for Thanksgiving dinner. Sorry, but family or friends who are invited to this dinner are excluded from this contest because it would be cheating. I will be taking a head count and will let you know on Saturday how many guests we had.
Also, starting on Thanksgiving day, November 27th, I will be having a sale for my prints in my Etsy and eBay stores offering "Buy Three Prints and Get One Free." This sale will run through Christmas Day, December 25th. After you purchase three prints in one of these stores you will need to email me with the name of the free print you want me to include with your order. My email address is in the right sidebar of this blog.
Wishing all my blog readers a "Wonderful Thanksgiving" to you and your family!