In the last post I mentioned that my lovely daughter, Amber, had embroidered a Mother's Day gift for me. I hung it in the dining room and here it is. Isn't it darling!
You can click on the photo for a closer view.
These little violas just seem to pop up everywhere and Annie loves to sniff them.I received this sweet award from Kathie at My Net Finds. Check out her blog daily for fabulous internet deals. I'm passing this award on to all my devoted blog readers. Thanks Kathie!
I got an anonymous comment on my last post asking me if I'd taught my son to cook. Honestly, if I had cooked anything like that when he was young he wouldn't have touched it with a 10 foot pole! He was a very picky eater. When he went off to college and started traveling to Russia, Egypt, Germany.....etc. he had to learn to eat different types of food. He now searches the internet for recipes and has taught himself to cook. As a child he would make strange sandwiches like grilled cheese with pepperoni and I was impressed by that!
I just want to let everyone know that I haven't stopped painting. I've been very busy with commissioned pieces and will get back to doing some paintings for ebay soon. I had a recent comment from Janine who lives in Germany and is also a folk artist. You can check out her blog and her artwork here. She is going to be having surgery on her foot soon and she ordered my book "Charming Village Scenes You Can Paint" so she could have something to read while she's laid up. Stop by and give her some encouragement. I never think to mention that this book is still available from Amazon.
Instead of sharing a painting, here is a new print that I listed on Etsy and Ebay today:
"Cat Nap" Miss Betty's cats lazily nap around her old farm house. Oreo naps on top of the clothes line pole where laundry flaps in the gentle breeze and Peppermint sleeps in the laundry basket. Sybil rests precariously on the upper balcony railing. The birds are a lot smarter than what Licorice gives them credit for. What a lively bunch of felines!